Interest Free Loan Qarz e Hasna Farooq Foundation

Interest Free Loan Qarz e Hasna Farooq Foundation

If you want to build your own house and you do not have the resources, you can take out an interest free loan.
Also, if you want to start your own house or a business, you can take out an interest free loan.

How To Apply:

How can you apply for this loan? There is a very easy way. I have given you the complete form above. People have to download this form and fill it and I have given you the address. You can also apply online at the link below

You will not have to pay interest at all.
According to the Islamic method, from where you will repay as much as you owe, you will not have to pay any interest.
This is a very easy way for poor people to get a loan from here and start a business with their help. They can educate their children or build their own house.

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