Bolty Jao Application Khud Likhtii Jaay Gii 2020 (English/Urdu)

Bolty Jao Application Khud Likhtii Jaay Gii 2020 (English/Urdu)

You can also download this application from the Play Store and after downloading the link given below, you can use it on your Android phone and after using it there are many things that you guys can do. You can use and make money

  1. The first thing you have to do in this application is send people
  2.   Then you have to give people an email or number in it
  3.   After you enter the e-mail number, you have to give it a password like this
  4.   After giving all the sugar, you guys take it in people
  5.   Just like I told you in the video, you can make money by watching Ed in it.
  6.   Then you guys can get all this stuff and your withdraw in cash like Easy Money.
  7.   Hope you liked the video. All this stuff you guys have understand

I hope you like the application. You can make money using it. Give more thought to it. InshaAllah will take great care of you if you succeed in it.
