Cash Maal account create & Verify Complete Method l Earn money online

Cash Maal account create & Verify Complete Method l Earn money online

In today's video I am going to tell you how you can create a Cash Mall account: Create a very Easy Cash Mall account. Below you will find the website link that you have to go to and after you go there Cash Owners Can Make Cash Money is a very seamless and very time-tested website. Trusted accounts are like when you use Jizcash or Easy Money. It is here that you are registering how often it is a most recent status banking system.

How To Create Account:

So what do you need people to do to create an account, plus your phone number, your full identity, it will be you as your ID card your address is your full address here. If you have to enter it then you will become like this but when you make a transaction, besides Fifty Percent 7.5, here again, its functions like EtiPrint etc do not contain your identity. If the number that people give you, TwentyPrint will be your pro. If you put an ID card in it, then I will have seven to five percent and if you add the number, then you can add your name. From ID card to full address here
  1. 20% account will be uploaded to your people when you create your account wherever you are.
  2. 50% will be your account of people when you confirm your number when verify number....
  3. 75% If you want to upload your account, you have to send the picture of your ID card back and front.
  4. If you want to transact a 100% account that means you want to make a transaction, then you have to enter your full address here.


The benefit of the village is whether you use people like other banks or the accounts you have on people's SIMs you use from one place to another. If you transfer money, you can cushion from one place to another. Also, if you want to pay for anything, you can pay here. You guys can use it and use it internationally.

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